Saturday, 15 November 2008

Just When Things Were Calming Down...

... Here we go again!!

I'm in the library reading for my next essay, but I thought I would take a little break to catch up with you all :)

My stay in Glasgow, from 31st October to 1st November, for the Scouttish Scouting AGM went very well. On Friday afternoon, Rob, my co-presenter, drove us over to the place in Glasgow where the AGM was being held, so we could practise for the presentation the next morning. It was a long afternoon but eventually we cracked it and we headed back to the hotel with all the other speakers and the crew. We had a lovely dinner and stayed at the bar for some drinks, tumbling into bed at half 12, totally exhausted! It was an early start the next morning as the conference surrounding the actual AGM began at 10 and we had to have another run through before the delegates started arriving! It all went off very well, aside from a little microphone trouble initially. We got treated to lunch as part of the conference, then I had to head off back to Edinburgh on the train by myself. I wasn't bored because I was so tired I slept the whole way!

On Saturday evening, mum picked me up from my flat and took me to the Scout Centre at Bonaly for my training courses. The trainees were invited to dinner first and it was really good - we had a thing called Sussex Chicken - which is basically roast chicken covered with cheese and crushed up crisps! And then there was apple tart and ice cream for desert :) I did one training course on the Saturday night, and a few of us stayed over at the Centre to do more courses in the morning. There were supposed to be two in the morning, finishing at 1 and then another in the afternoon, and my training advisor had wanted me to go to all three, but I had a Gang Show rehearsal on Sunday afternoon so I couldn't stay. I was telling the organiser this, and he said they would see if they could go through the other two modules fast enough that they would get the time to do most of the third one with me before I left so they could sign it off for me, so I was very pleased.

GangShow rehearsal that afternoon was very tiring, so I was glad to go home and crash out!

On Monday night, we took the Cubs on a Ghosts and Ghouls tour in the city centre with a company called the Mercat Cross tours. It began on the Royal Mile with ghoulish stories of hangings and witch-burnings and lots of pooey stories, then we went underground to the vaults of the city underneath South Bridge, which are supposedly haunted. The guide was a very good story-teller and the kids were all convinced they'd seen, felt or heard a ghost, and they all had a very good time :)

On Tuesday I had an exam in Classical Art, which counted for 25% of my grade for that course this semester. I hadn't done as much revision as maybe I could have but I'm pretty sure I did ok, although some of the dates I put down were wrong.

I then spent most of my week writing my Psychology report which was due for the next Tuesday. I got that finished on Friday night and had it printed on Saturday. I had another pretty busy weekend again. On Saturday I went to the cinema with Kirsten to see High School Musical 3, which is FABULOUS! Sunday was Rememberance Sunday, and I went to church and actually stayed through the sermon (last time I was there I got asked to do Sunday School so I left with the kids half way through). It was a bit of a change, having got used to Chris's church's sermons which are never longer than 10 minutes, to listen to Jerry for a whole half an hour! Even so I really enjoyed the service, and it felt good to be back :)

This week has been all caught up with reading for my Classical Art essay. It's not due until the 25th, but I also have another Psychology report, for 1st December, and an Ancient History essay for the 5th! Most of the books I need to read are in the Reserve section of the library, so I can only have them for 3 hours at a time. Which has led to me LIVING in the library just about! I did try staying a bit late at the library, until the Reserve books were available for overnight borrowing, and then I would take them home to read, but Marsailidh, my dear flatmate, just bought the box set of the entire 9 serieses of Friends, and all she and Gale do while they're at home is watch them, and then I get sucked in too! Also, when I study at the flat, I have a tendancy to eat almost constantly, which is very bad for my waistline (I'm actually starting to get a muffin-top, ARG!) so I'm avoiding it at all costs!

Also this week have been the final preparations for the Gang Show, which opens on Tuesday! Rehearsals were on Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, today, tomorrow and then Monday is the dress rehearsal, and on Wednesday we had a costume call as well, so it's been really busy! I also managed to squeeze in a shift at the hospital on Thursday afternoon, after which I came to the library until midnight, and I was here yesterday as well from half 9 in the morning until midnight again, appart from the couple hours I took to go home and drop off some books, and to go the the Gang Show rehearsal.

Today, however, I'm only in from half 10 until 12 noon, because this afternoon I'm going to the cinema again with Kirsten, this time to see Easy Virtue, and then I'm staying at house-home tonight because I miss my mum's cooking and because I'm going to church on Sunday morning. Gang Show on Sunday afternoon is in the theatre, and I am REALLY excited about that :)

I'd better get my head down to work for another half hour or so. I'll be back sometime after Gang Show is over - I won't have any time at all next week :)

Love and Hugs