Friday, 6 March 2009

Hmm... Falafels

Turns out I'm not a huge fan of chickpeas, so I didn't really enjoy the falafels I made last night.
They look pretty good, they just taste rather bland, and then the little flavour that the chickpeas actually had was kinda icky. They would probably be fine smothered in sauce - the soup I made on Wednesday went so thick over night I could stir in some rice and mushrooms and have a curry. I do like lentils though, I can see myself doing more with them. I'm certainly not put off the concept of vegetarianism, but need to try a little harder to find out what I like. Really I just wish I could afford the meat!

Not much exciting going on this week. Watched quite a few slushy films - Pride and Prejudice, The Wedding Planner, and The Prince and Me. All wonderfully romantic. Although you do wonder sometimes how people manage to fall so violently in love when it appears they hardly know each other! Having said that, I may be a little guilty of it myself...

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


I decided this weekend that I was going to go back to being a vegetarian most of the time. Why? Beans and pulses are cheaper than meat! I'm not of course going to be a real vegetarian - if a meat option is as cheap as/better value than the vegetarian option then I'll be right in there!.
To be honest, I was being mostly vegetarian before, just not in too healthy a way - I mostly ate bread and pasta, with dairy and eggs for protein.

But I was at home this weekend and looking through some recipe magazines that mum had, and there were some really nice-looking things in the vegetarian one, and they were all so much cheaper than the meat recipes in the other ones. Some of them are even "super foods" with more vitamins and minerals than I can count on one hand!! It's lower in fat, especially saturated fat (although dairy stuff isn't) and can still have plenty of protein.

So my menu this week? Home made tuna patties (tuna is cheap! and its fish, so its fine), sweet potato and red lentil soup, felafels, a Frankensteins burger (on Free Food Tuesday) and steak, courtesy of my mum, at the weekend.

Love it :)